2018年8月5日3,937 ビュー View

【Interview】We met 10 Shiba-Inu in Hawaii!

Shiba is one of the typical dogs of Japan and is getting popular in the world. This time we focus on Shiba in Hawaii because it is already popular there and a Shiba group meet up regularly.


Meet up with a Shiba group at the Waikiki hotel in Hawaii

July 2018, We had a plan to meet up Shiba owners and their Shiba in Hawaii. When we went to the hotel, we found out a big Shiba Group.



We had an appointment with Tiare who is living with two Shiba and one Pomeranian in Hawaii.



She invited her Shiba friends and their owners and they also invited other Shiba friends. Finally more than 10 Shiba and owners gathered that day.



Go to the beach with Shiba!



We moved to the beautiful beach in Waikiki.


Shiba looks very Japanese dogs but they fit with the beautiful scenery in Hawaii.


We can see Diamond Head over the beach



It took a few seconds from the hotel to the beach.It was a great location that we could see Diamond Head over the beach.



We were jealous that people in Hawaii can see this great viewing every single day.



There were both local people and tourists at the beach. For them, the view of mamy Shiba gathered at the beach was not usual, so many people took pictures of them as soon as they arrived.



Even in Japan, more than 10 Shiba gathered at the beach is very rare scene.



Hang out at the clear sea



Each Shiba spend each time. The one went to the sea and the other ran around the beach.



One of Gomashiba was watching over their buddies under the tree.



The one looked very satisfied holding his owner. It must have been more confortable than watching beautiful beach.



Surprisingly most of them were scared water!



They didn’t approach the seaside even though they live in Hawaii. Their character is kind of cowardice both in Japan and Hawaii.



Not only Shiba, but also Pomeranian and AkitaInu also joined that day. She lives with Shiba and AkitaInu together.



AkitaInu weren’t scared the seaside, so he played with his owner freely in the sea.



The one Shiba which is free-spirited loves sea, so he run around and played at the beach with boldness



The owners supplied water their Shiba frequently, because there were very hot in Hawaii.



They looked very enjoyable every moment in their own way.



Some Shiba Gifts from Japan


Shiba Inu owners both in Japan and Hawaii really love Shiba goods.


We saw Tiare got so many Shiba goods in Japan through her instagram.


@zumikaijuがシェアした投稿 -


So we gifted her the special Shiba goods by a Japanese creator, such as a Japanese wallet, a tissue case, message cards, a ring, a broach, a tote bag and more. In addition we also presented Japanese snacks.



We felt warm to see that they were talking about Shiba goods while they had Japanese snacks.



This is an shiba owner was having “Happy Turn” which is Japanese snacks from the old days.


They were very interested in Japanese snacks.


Local people in Hawaii are very cooperative



Shiba gathered under the tree and were very calm. Then we took a big impact image like this picture.



But this is a blooper that some Shiba couldn’t keep staying their position. That’s typical of Shiba because that live in their own way!



Interview with Tiare who has two Shiba and one Pomeranian


Q1. Could you tell me what was the opportunity to know Shiba Inu?

When I was 18 years old, I came across a book of dogs. I was flipping through the book and discovered a cute dog called Shiba Inu I told myself, "That's my future dog!"


Q2. What did you feel or What kind of inspiration did you get when you see Shiba Inu for the first time?


I was very excited and happy when I saw my first Shiba. I'll never forget it. I was at Starbucks enjoying my coffee when a couple walked by with a Shiba. It was a black and tan Shiba and the owners let me pet him. I was so happy, I was so happy, I couldn't stop



Q3. Could you tell me what is the attractions of Shiba Inu ?

Shiba are beautiful!


Q4.What do you fell Shiba Inu’s character through your life with three Shiba Inus.

I have 2 Shiba Inu and 1 Pomeranian/Japanese Spitz.

Zumi (black and tan Shiba) is very loyal, calm, and gentle, he's the caretaker. Zumi will groom Mika and Kaiju when needed. He takes food very gently from your hands and he only barks when he feels threatened. Zumi isn't friendly to dogs he has never met before, but very friendly with dogs that he is familiar with. Kaiju (red Shiba) is a very happy dog, his tail is always wagging.

Kaiju gets along with all dogs but can frighten easy. Kaiju loves to eat!

Mika (white Pomeranian/Japanese Spitz) thinks she's a human! She doesn't care for other dogs but she loves people!


Q5. How did you get these three Shiba Inu from? Do you have any idea how to get Shiba Inu in Hawaii?

I googled "Shiba Inu in Hawaii" and came across the "Shiba Inu Hawaii" club. I went on a playdate to meet Shiba and one of the members of the club told me her breeder was having a litter of Shiba. A few weeks later, we picked up Zumi! 4 years later a friend from the Shiba Inu Hawaii club told me of a different breeder that was having a litter of puppies. A few weeks later we picked up Kaiju!


Q6.Do you think Shiba Inu is popular in Hawaii? If so, what do you think when it was popular and what is the reasons?

Shiba are gaining popularity in Hawaii due to the Doge meme and the Menswear Dog.


Q7. How do you usually get Shiba Inu’s goods? Are there any places in Hawaii or online?

I haven't come across Shiba goods in Hawaii. I get my Shiba goods from online sites like Amazon and Shiba Inc. A lot of my Shiba goods are omiyage from my friends that visit Japan.


Q8. I saw you got many Shiba Inu goods in Japan on your Instagram.Where did you get in Japan? Let me know the specific places?


@zumikaijuがシェアした投稿 -

When we went to Japan, I got my Shiba goods from the Ueno train station (I'm sorry, I don't remember the name of the store), from Don Quijote (in Ikebukuro and Asakusa) and from a 100 yen store (next to Don Quijote in Ikebukuro.) and Loft in Shibuya


Q9. What does your Shiba Inu’s name mean? Let us know each meaning, Zumi, Mika and Kaiju.

Zumi's full name is "Irezumi the Emperor" but we call him Zumi for short. I know a few Japanese words, Irezumi being one of them, and it sounded like a cool dog name. I added "the Emperor" because he is very handsome and looks like royalty.


Kaiju's full name is "Kaiju the Destroyer." He was named after the Kaiju (monsters) in the movie "Pacific Rim." I added "the Destroyer" because he would destroy everything when he was a puppy. He would eat up shoes, cords, clothes, handbags, even the sofa!


Mika means "a new moon" My husband named her that because her eyes reminded him of the moon.


Q10.What do you think the differences of Shiba Inu between in Japan or in Hawaii including their life styles?


Shiba Inu in Japan are cuter! They have smaller eyes, are more fluffy and are smaller. Shiba in Hawaii are larger (taller and wider) and less fluffy. Shiba Inu in Japan get to experience winter, which may be why they are fluffier. Shiba Inu in Hawaii experience warm weather all year around which may be why they aren't as fluffy.


Q11. Last, could you give some messages to Shiba Inu owners in Japan?

Thank you for taking the time to read about my love for my dogs and my love for Shiba Inu! Shiba Inu are very loyal and beautiful dogs, I am so glad they were brought to Hawaii!




In overseas, people have an image of Shiba Inu is unique and funny dogs. At the interview, We were asked “Shiba Inu doesn’t listen what their owner said. And the training is very hard. Shiba Inu in Japan is good boys?” by many Shiba Inu owners in Hawaii. I can’t believe it because since old age, Shiba Inu is called a “watchdog” and “faithful dog”. Anyway Shiba Inu in Hawaii were really loved and enjoyed their life as same as Japan.


Thank you so much for helping us, Tiare, Shiba Inu owners and Shiba Inu!






  • 柴犬,Ta-Ta,タータ